Sycamore Park District Community Center
480 S. Airport Road
Sycamore, IL 60178

Ages 1-6 | Instructor: Samantha Hass
Slow down the pace of parenting and join our class to help you and your child grow together. Guide your senses and open new possibilities with strength-based play to create a deeper connection with your child. Parents can learn what their parenting style is, what type of love language their child uses, and learn how to better manage emotional regulation and develop new skills and tools to help you and your child in moments of need. Each session will have a specific focus and will assist in the development of fine and large motor skills, reading, social cognition, and  mindfulness, while further developing that bond of togetherness.

Resident $8 | Nonresident $12 per class
Advance registration required

Additional Dates
Jan 19: Art & Your Parenting Style | 3-3:45pm
Feb 24: Music & Your Child’s Love Language | 9-9:45am
Mar 16: Social Play & Emotional Regulation | 9-9:45am
Apr 12: Gym Time & Sharing with Our Emotions | 3-3:45pm

Date: March 16, 2024
Time: 9:00 am - 9:45 am