Ages 5-10: 9-9:45am
Ages 10-14: 10-10:45am
Register online here
Resident $3 | Nonresident $4
With over 40 acres of natural areas managed by the Park District, there is a wide variety of ecosystems found scattered through Sycamore. Our Natural Areas Specialist, Kiara Rodriguez, will show you around some of the main types and give you some insight into how they work and what we do to take care of them! Wear closed-toe shoes and long pants. Parents are more than welcome to join in, but it is not required.
September 7: Prairie Ecosystems
Old Mill Park
Illinois is nicknamed “The Prairie State” and there’s a good reason why! Let’s explore what makes a prairie special and some of the interesting things found in them. Registration Deadline Sep 4
September 21: Wetland Ecosystems
Riverside Soccer Complex grass parking lot
Wetlands are a unique category of ecosystems. Dive into learning more about them and all the cool things they have. We might get a little muddy. Registration Deadline Sep 18
October 5: Woodland Ecosystems
Meet at Merry Oaks Path, at the end of Merry Oaks Drive and park in the loop
When people think of “the woods” they picture large trees first. While they certainly play a big role, we shouldn’t ignore some of the details. Come learn more about the small things and how they correlate with the big trees. Registration Deadline Oct 2
October 19: Management Practices
Community Center, MPR A
It takes a lot of work to maintain the natural areas of the park. Let’s look at some of the tools and practices we use and why it is so important to take care of these ecosystems. Registration Deadline Oct 16
Time: All day -