The first notice of a mass meeting to be conducted by the park committee was published by the Sycamore Chamber of Commerce. This meeting was open to all, and it was urged that every voter attend and express himself freely and fully. This meeting was called after much discussion and canvassing of public sentiment. It was intended at that meeting to nominate 25 citizens as candidates for park commissioners. The park commissioners would make clear the park law and choose a site for its location. It was noted that the women are just as much interested in this endeavor and that they were cordially invited and made their influence felt. This meeting was at 7:30 on October 11, 1923 in the Lyric Theater.
Derived from columns from the Sycamore True Republican saved and recorded by the Joiner History Room and the minutes of the Board of Directors of the Sycamore Park District. Articles were condensed and rewritten by Dan Gustafson with the intent to keep them as factual as the original.