
Work Progress Administration Pool Project

A work relief project, meaning jobs for most of Sycamore’s 125 Idle, started with preliminary staking and moving. Cost was $21,000. Engineers staked out the approved site for Community Park’s $21,000 concrete swimming pool, the buildings which adjoined and the re-routed gravel drive as the first actual step toward construction. CLICK TO READ MORE


Summer in Sycamore Park

The entrance donated by Post 99 was complete at this time. The latest improvement at the community park was the installation of the lights on the pillars on each side of the new stone reentrance. In spite of the terrific heat, the grass was a vivid green and as smooth as velvet. CLICK TO READ MORE


Expanding the Swimming Pool

Work on deepening and enlarging the swimming pool at the Sycamore Community Park was in progress. The “peninsula” in front of the McAllister memorial bungalow was already reduced by the use of scapers. This week, contractor Kelly of Rochelle was expected, with his drag line outfit, to begin the work of deepening the pool. A cable to be run across the pool would support a bucket which would dip into the pool and make about two thirds of it much deeper. CLICK TO READ MORE