Sycamore Park District is a local government agency providing recreational parks, facilities, and programming to district residents.

Mission Statement: Connecting Sycamore to Wellness, Nature, and Each Other

Vision Statement: To enhance the Sycamore community through wellness, recreation and greenspace, the Board and Staff take a responsive and inclusive approach to service, community relationships, and sustaining the Sycamore Park District legacy.

Core Values:

  • We value Equity by recognizing and serving all groups in our community and continually seeking new ways to be inclusive and engage with diverse populations.
  • We value Transparency through fiscal responsibility, equitable policies, and proactive communication.
  • We value Sustainability and are committed to the conservation of Sycamore’s green space for recreation and the well-being of the community today and for future generations.
  • We value Connections that stem from the relationships that begin and grow through the opportunities and partnerships we maintain.

Social Equity Statement

Board of Commissioners

Park District Staff

Lobbying Association Membership

Open Bids, Requests for Proposals, and Requests for Qualifications

Closed Bids, Requests for Qualifications, and Requests for Proposals

Contracts and Construction Plans

Budget, Financial Audits, and Expenditures

Taxes and Fees

Request Public Records

Under the Illinois Freedom of Information at (5 ILCS 140/1 et. Seq.) Records in possession of public agencies may be accessed by the public upon written request.

To request information not found on this website, download a FOIA request form, found here, and submit it to:

ATTN: FOIA Request
Freedom of Information Officer, Jonelle Bailey
Sycamore Park District
480 S.Airport Road
Sycamore, IL 60178

Or by email:

The Illinois Freedom of Information Act requires agencies to respond in five business days after receipt of a request. A five-day extension is allowed with written notification to the requester. If the requested records are 50 pages or less, the pages will be copied in black and white on letter size paper and the requester will be contacted to arrange a pickup. If the documents are mailed, the postage must be reimbursed by the requested before the documents are sent. If the records exceed 50 pages, the requester will be informed of the duplication cost before being copied.